2nd International Symposium Digital Humanities

Empowe­ring Visi­bi­lity of Cro­ati­an Cul­tu­ral Heri­ta­ge,
Novem­ber 6 – 8, 2017,
Uni­ver­sity of Zadar, Cro­atia


Mon­day, 6 Novem­ber 2017

9.00 – 9.45 Invi­ted Spe­aker

  • Rese­ar­ch possi­bi­li­ti­es cre­ated by making manus­cript ima­ges ava­ila­ble onli­ne: the exam­ple
    of monasterium.net
    (Georg Voge­ler. Aus­tri­an Cen­tre for Digi­tal Huma­ni­ti­es, Uni­ver­sity of Graz, Aus­tria)

Sessi­on 1: Met­hods and tools for cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge rese­ar­ch in the digi­tal age

9.45 – 11.10

  • Visu­al art reso­ur­ces at digi­tal col­lec­ti­on of the Cro­ati­an Aca­demy of Sci­en­ces and Arts: Sup­por­ting Digi­tal Art His­tory
    (Jasen­ka Fer­ber Bog­dan, Mag­da­le­na Getal­dić, Filip Tur­ko­vić-Krnjak. Cro­ati­an Aca­demy of
    Sci­en­ces and Arts, Zagreb, Cro­atia)
  • Neo­La­tin cor­res­pon­den­ce in digi­tal sur­ro­un­din­gs
    (Želj­ka Salo­pek. Facul­ty of Huma­ni­ti­es and Soci­al Sci­en­ces, Uni­ver­sity of Zagreb, Cro­atia)
  • His­to­ri­cal GIS of South-Eas­tern Euro­pe
    (Maria Bara­mo­va, St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski Uni­ver­sity of Sofia, Bul­ga­ria, and Dobro­mir Dobrev,
    Cen­ter of Exce­len­ce in the Huma­ni­ti­es, St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski Uni­ver­sity of Sofia, Bul­ga­ria)
  • From anci­ent manus­crip­ts to digi­tal scre­ens
    (Ephrem Abo­ud Ishac, Seni­or Pos­t­doc­to­ral Rese­ar­c­her, VESTIGIA Manus­cript Rese­ar­ch Cen­tre,
    Uni­ver­sity of Graz, Aus­tria).

11.10 – 11.40 Coffee/tea bre­ak

Sessi­on 2: Digi­tal huma­ni­ti­es as a con­tem­po­rary cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge rese­ar­ch fra­mework

11.40 –  13.00

  • Mas­ter in Digi­tal Huma­ni­ti­es at Lin­na­eus Uni­ver­sity, Swe­den
    (Koralj­ka Golub, Digi­tal Huma­ni­ti­es / iSc­ho­ol Ini­ti­ati­ve, Depart­ment of Library and Infor­ma­ti­on
    Sci­en­ce, Scho­ol of Cul­tu­ral Sci­en­ces, Facul­ty of Arts and Huma­ni­ti­es, Lin­na­eus Uni­ver­sity, Växyö,
  • The hard begin­ning: E-library SUDi­gi­tal at Sofia University’s Facul­ty of His­tory: the suc­ce­s­sful bre­ak­t­hro­ugh in the con­ser­va­ti­ve envi­ron­m­net
    (Hris­to Berov, Depart­ment of Bal­kan His­tory, Facul­ty of His­tory, St. Kli­ment Ohrid­ski Uni­ver­sity
    of Sofia, Bul­ga­ria)
  • A new deal for a new age: onli­ne arc­hi­ves influ­en­ce on access and visi­bi­lity of his­to­ri­cal sour­ces
    (Vlat­ka Lemić, Cro­ati­an Sta­te Arc­hi­ves, Zagreb, Cro­atia)
  • How we cre­ated arc­hi­ves for com­mu­nity and soci­al media
    (Vaida Jonušytė, Lit­hu­ania Arc­hi­ves of Lite­ra­tu­re and Art, Vil­ni­us, Lit­hu­ania)

13.00 – 14.30 Lun­ch bre­ak

Sessi­on 3: Cre­ati­ve use of cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge

14.30 – 16,15

  • Lite­rary mate­ri­ali­za­ti­on of intan­gi­ble cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge
    (Nives Toma­še­vić. Depart­ment of Infor­ma­ti­on Sci­en­ces, Uni­ver­sity of Zadar, Cro­atia)
  • Cul­tu­ro­mics or a new dis­co­very of the cul­tu­ral geno­me
    (Tiho­mir Živić, Depart­ment of Cul­tu­ral Stu­di­es, Josip Juraj Stro­s­smayer Uni­ver­sity of Osi­jek,
  • Possi­bi­li­ti­es of tourism eva­lu­ati­on of digi­ta­li­zed cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge in the area of Zadar
    (Đani Bunja, Depart­ment of Tourism and Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Sci­en­ces, Uni­ver­sity of Zadar, Cro­atia
    and Sla­vo Grgić, Cat­ho­lic Scho­ol Cen­ter “St. John Paul II”, Bihać, Bos­nia and Her­ze­go­vi­na)
  • The Sta­tu­te of Vino­dol (1288.) as poten­ti­al for deve­lop­ment of Vino­dol area cul­tu­ral tourism and pro­mo­ti­on of ove­rall Cro­ati­an cul­tu­re
    (Josip Mile­tić, Depart­ment of Cro­ati­an and Sla­vic Stu­di­es, Uni­ver­sity of Zadar, Cro­atia and Juri­ca
    Bos­na, Depart­ment of Eco­no­mics, Uni­ver­sity of Zadar, Cro­atia)
  • Public Cul­tu­ral Ins­ti­tu­ti­on For­tress of Cul­tu­re Šibe­nik, Cro­atia. For­tre­sses of cul­tu­re: new tec­h­no­lo­gi­es in the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of cul­tu­ral and his­to­ri­cal heri­ta­ge
    (Josip Pavić, Mora­na Peri­ša; For­tress of Cul­tu­re, Šibe­nik, Cro­atia)

16.15 – 16.45 Coffee/tea bre­ak

17.00 – 18.00 Wor­k­shop – Topot­heque

18.00 Pos­ter sessi­on + soci­al event

Tuesday, 7 Novem­ber 2017

9.00 – 9.45 Invi­ted Spe­aker

  • Tel­ling tails: meta­da­ta stan­dar­ds and the digi­tal huma­ni­ti­es
    (Gor­don Dun­si­re, Inde­pen­dent con­sul­tant, Edin­bur­gh, UK)

Sessi­on 4: Des­crip­ti­on and access to cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge: con­cep­tu­al models, stan­dar­ds and
cata­lo­gu­ing rules

9.45 – 11.10

  • Manus­cript des­crip­ti­on in the digi­tal age
    (Mari­ja­na Tomić, Depart­ment of Infor­ma­ti­on Sci­en­ces, Uni­ver­sity of Zadar, Cro­atia and Kris­ti­jan
    Crn­ko­vić, Arhiv­PRO, Kopriv­ni­ca, Cro­atia)
  • XML as a tool to enrich char­ter meta­da­ta in the Monas­te­ri­um­Por­tal
    (Dani­el Jel­ler. ICARUS, Aus­tria)
  • Deve­lo­ping the onto­lo­gi­cal model for rese­ar­ch and repre­sen­ta­ti­on of Com­me­mo­ra­ti­on
    Spe­ec­hes in Cro­atia using a graph pro­per­ty data­ba­se
    (Bene­dikt Perak. Facul­ty of Huma­ni­ti­es and Soci­al Sci­en­ces, Uni­ver­sity of Rije­ka, Cro­atia)
  • Cro­ati­an scho­ol Neo-Latin dra­ma: cons­truc­ti­on of data­ba­se and recons­truc­ti­on of a gen­re
    (Nina Čen­gić. Depart­ment of Cla­ssi­cal Phi­lo­logy, Facul­ty of Huma­ni­ti­es and Soci­al Sci­en­ces, Uni­ver­sity of Zagreb, Cro­atia)

11.10 – 11.40 Coffee/tea bre­ak

Sessi­on 5: Digi­ti­za­ti­on of cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge

11.40 – 13.00

  • Peter Han­d­ke as a case study for digi­ti­zing copyrig­h­ted cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge
    (Vane­ssa Han­ne­ss­c­hläger. Aus­tri­an Cen­ter for Digi­tal Huma­ni­ti­es, Aus­tri­an Aca­demy of Sci­en­ces,
    Aus­tria. Visi­bi­lity thro­ugh acce­ssi­bi­lity)
  • Chal­len­ges of digi­ti­za­ti­on of arc­hi­val mate­ri­al of the Banja Luka Dioce­se
    (Sla­vo Grgić, Cat­ho­lic Scho­ol Cen­ter “St. John Paul II”, Bihać, Bos­nia and Her­ze­go­vi­na and Đani
    Bunja, Depart­ment of Tourism and Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Sci­en­ces, Uni­ver­sity of Zadar, Cro­atia)
  • Musi­cal heri­ta­ge: From arc­hi­val dust to life
    (Iva­na Tomić Ferić, Art Aca­demy of Split, Cro­atia, Kati­ca Burić Ćenan, Uni­ver­sity of Zadar,
    Cro­atia and Dubrav­ka Kolić, Sta­te Arc­hi­ve in Zadar, Cro­atia)
  • Por­tal of Cro­ati­an tra­di­ti­onal ins­tru­ments: ide­as, pro­blems, sug­ges­ti­ons
    (Ire­na Miho­lić. Ins­ti­tu­te of Eth­no­logy and Fol­k­lo­re Rese­ar­ch in Zagreb, Cro­atia)

13.00 – 14.30 Lun­ch bre­ak

14.30 –  16.00

  • Towar­ds new appro­ac­hes to edi­ting of old manus­crip­ts and docu­ments
    (Mar­ti­na Kra­ma­rić. Ins­ti­tu­te for Cro­ati­an Lan­gu­age and Lin­gu­is­tics, Cro­atia)
  • Why digi­ti­ze the visu­al? The role and sig­ni­fi­can­ce of the digi­ti­za­ti­on pro­cess of Osi­jek Muse­um of Fine Arts’ docu­men­tary col­lec­ti­on of pos­ters
    (Jele­na Mih­njak and Manu­ela Polak, Depart­ment of Cul­tu­ral Stu­di­es, Josip Juraj Stro­s­smayer
    Uni­ver­sity of Osi­jek, Cro­atia)
  • New old book
    (Ivo­na Des­pot. Nak­la­da Lje­vak, Zagreb, Cro­atia)
  • eLek­ti­re
    (Zvo­ni­mir Bula­ja. Bula­ja nak­la­da, Zagreb, Cro­atia)

16.00 – 16.30 Coffee/tea bre­ak

16.30 – 18.00  Wor­k­shop – Monas­te­ri­um

Wed­ne­sday, 8 Novem­ber 2017

9.00 – 9.45 Invi­ted Spe­aker

  • Mobi­Dig”: a Euro­pe­an pro­ject on mobi­le digi­ti­sa­ti­on
    (Erich Ren­hart, VESTIGIA Manus­cript Rese­ar­ch Cen­tre, Uni­ve­ris­ty of Graz, Aus­tria)

Sessi­on 6: Gla­go­li­tic, Cyril­lic and Latin writ­ten heri­ta­ge as a sour­ce for his­to­ri­ograp­hic and lin­gu­is­tic

9.45 – 11.10

  • Fra­njo Ksa­ver Kuhač (1834–1911): the second and the third book of cor­res­pon­den­ce – three case stu­di­es
    (Sara Ries. Cro­ati­an Aca­demy of Sci­en­ces and Arts, Zagreb, Cro­atia)
  • Digi­tal edi­ti­on of Nic­ho­las of Modruš’s Ora­ti­ons in the Ser­vi­ce of Pope Sixtus IV
    (Luka Špo­lja­rić. Facul­ty of Huma­ni­ti­es and Soci­al Sci­en­ces, Uni­ver­sity of Zagreb, Cro­atia.)
  • Gla­go­li­tic docu­ments abo­ut visi­ta­ti­ons of Nin Bishops in the 17th and 18th cen­tu­ri­es
    (Ivi­ca Viga­to, Depart­ment of Teac­hers’ and Pres­c­ho­ol Teac­hers’ Edu­ca­ti­on, Uni­ver­sity of Zadar
    and Groz­da­na Fra­nov-Živ­ko­vić, Ins­ti­tu­te for His­to­ri­cal Sci­en­ces, Cro­ati­an Aca­demy of Sci­en­ces
    and Arts in Zadar, Cro­atia)
  • Some pro­blems of the titles of medi­eval nota­ri­al recor­ds
    (Ani­ta Bar­tu­lo­vić. Depart­ment of Cla­ssi­cal Phi­lo­logy, Uni­ver­sity of Zadar, Cro­atia)

11.10 – 11.40 Coffee/tea bre­ak

11.40 – 12.40

  • Gla­go­li­tic regis­ters of Šibe­nik regi­on as ant­hro­po­no­mi­cal rese­ar­ch sour­ces
    (Kris­ti­jan Juran. Depart­ment of His­tory. Uni­ver­sity of Zadar, Cro­atia)
  • Andre­as Divus Ius­ti­no­po­li­ta­nus and a paral­lel cor­pus of Gre­ek and Latin texts
    (Petra Šošta­rić. Uni­ver­sity of Zagreb, Cro­atia)
  • Cro­ALa: one col­lec­ti­on, many for­ms
    (Neven Jova­no­vić. Depart­ment of Cla­ssi­cal Phi­lo­logy, Facul­ty of Huma­ni­ti­es and Soci­al Sci­en­ces,
    Uni­ver­sity of Zagreb, Cro­atia)

Sessi­on 7: Cross-ins­ti­tu­ti­onal coope­ra­ti­on and inter­dis­ci­pli­na­rity in the area of rese­ar­ch and
inter­pre­ta­ti­on of cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge

12.40 – 13.20

  • (Non)visibility of Bos­ni­ak-Cro­ati­an cul­tu­ral con­nec­ti­ons and rela­ti­ons and the
    oppor­tu­ni­ti­es of the­ir repre­sen­ta­ti­on in the con­text of digi­tal huma­ni­ti­es: lite­rary and
    cul­tu­ral jour­nals Behar and Biser as exam­ples
    (Lej­la Kodrić Zaimo­vić, Depart­ment of Com­pa­ra­ti­ve Lite­ra­tu­re and Libra­ri­an­ship, Facul­ty of
    Phi­lo­sop­hy, Uni­ver­sity of Sara­je­vo, and Sanjin Kodrić, Depart­ment of Lite­ra­tu­res of the Peoples
    of Bos­nia-Her­ze­go­vi­na, Facul­ty of Phi­lo­sop­hy, Uni­ver­sity of Sara­je­vo, Bos­nia-Her­ze­go­vi­na)
  • His­tory of lite­ra­tu­re and lite­rary texto­logy in the con­text of digi­tal huma­ni­ti­es: the­ore­ti­cal issu­es and prac­ti­cal exam­ple of Mak Dizdar’s manus­cript legacy)
    (Sanjin Kodrić, Depart­ment of Lite­ra­tu­res of the Peoples of Bos­nia-Her­ze­go­vi­na, Facul­ty of
    Phi­lo­sop­hy, Uni­ver­sity of Sara­je­vo, Bos­nia-Her­ze­go­vi­na)

13.20 – 13.40 Sym­po­si­um con­clu­si­ons

14.30 – 17.30 DARIAH Wor­king Gro­up on Ethics and Lega­lity in the Digi­tal Arts and Huma­ni­ti­es